Okay, I've had a few beers so I decided to post again on this neglected blog. First off, sorry for the long delay in..well..everything. You see, I lost my job a few months ago so things haven't exactly been going smoothly. No, I didn't get fired for stealing or running around naked at work. The company I worked for went out of business. I didn't think much of it at first, because I didn't feel too strongly about the job itself. But after a while it was getting to me. Food didn't taste as good as it used to, video games I usually like playing don't excite me anymore, and I realized that I just have too much stuff. I stopped going to the gym because I didn't feel motivated anymore. Even the people around me were getting more intolerable.
Even comics, my usual cheerer-upper, had lost its' luster. My favorite comic line, the DC Universe, decided to reboot itself. Some of my favorite titles were cancelled and replaced with books either telling the same stories I've already read, or featuring characters I don't recognize anymore. Really the only two characters I've found worth reading about that are generally unchanged are Booster Gold and Nightwing. THAT'S IT. And Marvel? I don't know what the hell they think they're doing. Seriously, when comics don't do it for me, I know something is wrong. Obviously, there is no way I can create an episode of Super Pat Quest in such a condition. So that explains that.
Luckily I still had my second job, which eventually became my full-time job. I'm very fortunate to have such generous bosses and co-workers. If I didn't have them I'm not sure where I'd be now. And thinking about that made me realize I need to stop whining so God damn much. There are people out there in much worse situations than me. Who aren't as lucky as I am to have so many great things around me. Great roommates, great friends, great family, and the bestest friend a guy could ever ask for.
So what I'm saying is, I'm sorry I've been neglecting Super Pat Quest, both in video and blog form. I'm in much better shape than I was these past few months, and I'm ready to get back to work. I've been going to the gym again, football season is in full swing, and I'm out there socializing once more. Okay, video games still don't excite me the way they used to, and I cut back drastically on my comics, but I don't see any downside in that at all.
Look for some updates in the next few weeks, where I'll try to explain my problem with video games, talk about football a bit, as well as the status of the next episode of SPQ.
Oh, another thing that helped me these past few months is this video here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!