Wednesday, November 30, 2005

She Has What?!?

Lyme disease.

That is what the veternarian said my dog Mindy has. On Sunday I noticed Mindy wasn't herself. She was just...blah...not moving much at all and her tail was between her legs. I'd have to carry her around like I was Paris Hilton or something.

We took her to the vet on Monday and she gave us medication for the dog. I sneak it in with a slice of ham and now she's acting like her old self again, barking at everything and peeing everywhere.

She's under her own power again, so I don't have to lug her around, but don't expect to see a sex tape anytime soon.


  1. I'm glad she's doing better... hate to see you looking like Paris Hilton :)

  2. im so glad your dog is doin better. i miss seein u at the fresh. We need to hang out
    pz man this is rich

  3. Rich, always good to hear from you. The Fresh miss your antics, as do I.
