Some of you probably think I don't have anything to write about anymore. That is NOT the case. This blog will not end. The Quest shall continue until I deem it unneccesary. Or until I greatly offend someone with my not-so-quick-witted remarks and horrendous grammar. In that case I shall create a new blog under a new pseudonym such as "Chappy McStik" with a title like "Stik It to Ya, Chaps!" But until then....ON WITH THE QUEST!
This particuular entry is a long overdue and probably drawn out rambling. A rambling of whatever's on my mind. Bear with me, like a grizzly.
The Nintendo Wii. What can I say about it that most of you haven't already heard? Innovative motion-sensing control? Easy to play? Fun as a night out with a panty-less Britney Spears...pre-K-Fed? You've heard it all. You can hardly find one in the stores, almost a month after the holidays, and they're still going on E-Bay for about $100 over retail. But disregarding all of that, just take my word for it: It's just damn fun. You owe it to yourself to at least give it a try.
The Playstation 3 however... Right now, it hardly seems worth the money. I bought one when it came out, intending to sell it before the holidays. Yeah, I was one of those people. Long story short it didn't happen. So I returned it to the store I bought it from...and it was the tenth one they had in stock. Maybe when more games come out for the PS3 it will gain some value with gamers but when you have a Wii for less than half the price and an XBox 360 for a more reasonable price, and you could get BOTH of these systems for around the same amount of money as one PS3, why bother? Not to mention the state of denial Sony seems to be in, with bogus press releases and taking credit for "innovative" control. It's only my opinion but, Damn Sony, you dropped the ball.

The Ravens are out of the playoffs. I don't really care but I was thinking, what is everybody going to do with all that paraphenalea they bought? Do they keep it up regardless to show their team spirit? Or do they take it down with a hung head so they don't look like losers when they drive down the highway with two or more Ravens flags, a Ravens bumper sticker, one of those window clings that have a too-small-to-look-real football protruding through "shattered" glass, and a Ravens antenna topper?
Oh, and several months ago I went on a tirade about Joss Whedon. I even went so far as to name the title of that entry "Joss Whedon Sucks" or something like that, for his treatment of my favorite comic book character, Cyclops. (Hey, you think you could get away without at least ONE Cyclops reference?) Well, allow me to stick my foot firmly in MY mouth, because he fooled me. I fell into his trap, bringing Cyclops down only to bring him back up again, and stronger than ever. Ironically, I now think Joss Whedon is one of the few writers who actually "gets" Cyclops. Who would've thought, that by taking away his powers, that he'd become a stronger, more focused character? So, I'm sorry Mr. Whedon. I judged you prematurely.
That reminds me, in an upcoming post I have another action figure to show off.
I'm getting tired of Doritos. Ever since they got rid of Salsa flavor and changed the flavor of the Nacho Cheese, I'm finding it harder and harder to eat them. And they're so freaking messy. Not to mention the aftertaste. I've got a chip on my shoulder. OMFG a pun! In a blog!
I realize I gotta stop making so many stupid puns. They're not funny. I don't know why people laugh at my puns. I think they're just humoring me. "Oh look at the silly nerd who thinks he's funny ha ha what a joke." It's beginning to define my personality, and I don't want that.
Sending more troops to Iraq? Will that really help solve the problem?
Am I the only one who thinks X-Men: The Last Stand sucked?
And airline food...what's up with that?
OOOOkay that's enough ranting for now. Welcome back.
P.S. Spell Check isn't working right and I don't have the initiative to check it myself. Bollocks.
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