Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Super Pat Side-Quest: Runs, Hits, and Ayers

Side-quest? What's that?? A way to show off deleted scenes, of course! Super Pat shows off the original intro to Episode Seven of SPQ.

With Super Pat Side-Quest I can make quicker, not-as-intense videos that don't really qualify as full episodes. I can comment on current events (because I can put it out quickly), or show off deleted scenes. As an added bonus, you get to see more of me more often!! SWEET!

As I mentioned before, the Mass Effect intro from Episode Seven was not the intended intro. The piece written by Matt Ayers was. I didn't think it fit in that episode anywhere, and I didn't really want to use it as the intro to an upcoming episode, because I already have the next few episodes worked out in my head. So thank you Matt Ayers, for everything. Your hard work did not go to waste, it helped introduce the next stage of Super Pat Quest!


  1. I like Quextra. Sounds dangerous.

  2. Haha Chris thought it sounded lame. But he doesn't know what a portmanteau is.

  3. Haha, well I wasn't sure what that was either...so I looked it up!
