Yes, I saw one, at Baltimore Comic-Con. I didn't get to go last year so I was ecstatic to go this year. Sure, it wasn't where I was SUPPOSED to be (sorry!) and when my boss found out why I requested off of work that day, she wasn't too happy (sorry! again!), but it was worth it.
A stormtrooper wasn't the only thing I saw. Darth Vader was with him. I saw an Obi-wan, an Anakin, Captain America, Wolverine, a Skrull (although it was just a chick with a sign around her neck that said "skrull"), some pirates, a Blob (I'm not sure, he may have just been a fat guy) and yes, a Cyclops. But it was a shoddy Cyclops. My grandma could do better. C'mon, construction paper visor??
I don't go for the costumes, of course. I go for the ambiance. A bunch of people who love the same craft gathered together. Looking at and promoting new product. Looking for that one issue you could never get your hands on. Waiting in anticipation for meeting your favorite writer or artist. Trying to get noticed in an industry filled with talent. I wouldn't call it heaven, because things cost money, but it's up there.

The Baltimore Comic-con isn't really a big one. Not nearly as formidable as the San Diego Comic-con, or WizardWorld Chicago, or the one in New York. Not a lot of big names come out to Baltimore. I'm still waiting for Jeff Parker, my favorite of them all, to show. It's small by comparison, but still enjoyable. Manageable too. You won't be overwhelmed or find yourself pushing through crowds or anything. You'll still have to wait in a long line to see Jim Lee though. And it's cool that DC Comics' top editorial staff was there. DC is always good at bringing the big guns to the smaller conventions. Even got myself a Green Lantern ring. Damn thing doesn't work...but it looks positively geeky.
Every comic-com I go to I look for books I wouldn't normally find in a store. Independent books by people I've never heard of. Books not published by a major company. If something strikes my interest like, say, a character drama about a rock band with magical powers, I'd take the risk and shell out the money to buy the book. It's usually hit or miss, but I like to support the independents. It makes their day, and I realize I could find myself doing the same thing in the future.
I also look for cool original artwork. I asked one guy to draw me a Cyclops and it turned out great! I also found a cool drawing of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, I want to hang it on my wall or something. I did buy one back issue: X-Factor #10 from 1986. Google it and you may find out why.
All in all, a good day. No problems getting there or coming back, got some cool product, saw some girls OH YEAH I forgot to mention the girls! Two young nubile chicks were handing out...I dunno coupons or something...and they were wearing...NOT MUCH! Like, two little triangles in the appropriate areas...I thought it was painted on at first. Nearly had a nerdgasm. I hope they were legal...Jesus...
Anyway, out.
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