Hold on a sec....
OKAY! Hi! Umm...sorry?
The thing about blogs is, there's no one you really have to please. Except maybe yourself. So if you don't post an update one month...big deal right? Just wait until next month. Don't post the next month? No biggie. One will come soon enough. No new post the following month? Ehh, I'll get around to it. After several more months, you could pretty much consider the blog dead. If the creator can't be bothered to update his own blog, what's the point?
But this blog is not dead. Sure, no one reads it. No one comments on it. No one acknowledges it. But I'm still here. If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Of course it FRAKKIN' DOES!!! And this Stump is about to fall BIG TIME!!! (That last sentence was nominated for worst metaphor EVER)
What got me back in the saddle was the instance of two of my friends talking about starting a joint blog. To which I added, "Hey and I can post something too," to which they replied, "You already HAVE a blog!"
Yep, someone noticed I had a blog. "Damn," I thought. "I should get on the ball!"
So here I am. Not really talking about anything but the neglected weblog you're reading now. It wouldn't have been so neglected if something awesome happened in my life. New girlfriend, new job, new outlook on life. Instead I have new comics (every Wednesday), new game consoles, and new...nope, that's it.
That's not to say I haven't been thinking about this blasted thing. I have ideas. Concepts that are only in the drawing stage at this point. Things I want to do but lack the components or resources to complete. I do, however, have an idea that I CAN do, which only I would care about. I've only told about two people about it and they were unsupportive as expected. The bastards...
I also want to redesign the site. But...uhh...how? This site uses a template I have no idea how to edit. I was lucky enough to make the links and stuff on the right side over there -------->
Which seriously need an updating, I know. I plan to do it, thanks to the renewed interest in this blog.
I have several ideas for upcoming posts. I'd post them now if I could. But I don't want to overload on posts in one day. Then no one will even read this well-thought-out....no.......this spur-of-the-moment-taking-every-word-as-it-appears-in-my-head-and-corrected-for-spelling post. I'm going to warn you, they involve comics, TV, video games, girls, nudity, and Cyclops. Basically stuff you can read about better in just about any other blog or website.
But there's one thing those other sites don't have: MY OPINION.
Now I know that doesn't count for anything but I'm going to give it anyway. Hey, at least I'm not talking about politics....yet.
Well that was kinda long. Anyway, it's good to be back on the web again. Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for more. Like, tomorrow!
yo nice blog and pic but u look like your wacking off in bed....lol. this is rich by the way
ReplyDeleteHey Rich! Certainly looks that way...