Monday, March 14, 2005


Pardon me....::CRASH::

The video project I was working on these past weeks is finished, above you can see a screen capture of a clip that gave me many laughs. What you can't hear in the picture is me colliding with the metal chair to the left.

But what I really want to talk about is something I've talked about before. Remember dream girl? The dream I had about an unknown girl that was unfortunately, abruptly ended? Well, it happened again. But this time, it happened twice in a week, with a different girl each time, and I wasn't interrupted. Plus, I knew the girls.

To keep anonymonity..anonomousony...whatever, I won't mention who they were. Rest assured they aren't anyone who visits this blog. But the fact that I know them bothers me. It's kinda hard to look at them without bringing to mind the intense imagery I have from these dreams. Are they messages? Omens? Hints to go for them? Am I sexually disturbed? Or do I just need to get some?

I probably need to get some.


  1. Dude, it's totally cool when you know the girls. Gives you a new perspective when speaking with them again. You wonder if what was in your dream is how it really is... ahem. Also, clearly not disturbed, you should go find some ass to tap, and get on with getting it on.

    The End.

  2. Also, where is my avatar?!?

  3. Also. Never hold down shift for more than 5 seconds. Or things tend to explode.

  4. Three posts on one topic by the same guy. Now that's a fan!

    I guess there's only one way to figure out if it's anything like the dream...

    I'll get with you on the avatar.

  5. when you know the girl, it can be a little awkward indeed. however, i find that the anticipation of the awkwardness is always much less than the actual awkwarness when you actually come face to face with her.

  6. You might think that it'll be all awkward, but you have to realize that the girl has no clue as to what's going on...

    But yeah, you probably just need to get some :)


  7. You might think that it'll be all awkward, but you have to realize that the girl has no clue as to what's going on...

    But yeah, you probably just need to get some :)


  8. You may feel awkward around the girl in real life after this, but what you have to realize is that she has *no idea* what's going on, so unless you start freaking out, everything will be about the same.

    But, yeah, you probably need to get some :)

  9. You may feel awkward around the girl in real life after this, but what you have to realize is that she has *no idea* what's going on, so unless you start freaking out, everything will be about the same.

    But, yeah, you probably need to get some :)

  10. ummmmmmm yeah dude where is party at agian???.......j/k.... anyway are u going to tell us who is she??
    a Burennet??

  11. heyyy man,
    whats goin on? i think u just need to get some!!! ha ha just kiddin but seriously i know u and u will find the right one out there somewhere. just keep looking

  12. sorry that was RICH if u didnt already figure that

  13. Sounds like this Caroline girl has almost as big a crush on you as I do. Interesting. Should introduce us. hehe
