Super Pat Quest Year One Fact: There have been a total of 114 comments posted on SPQ since it's birth. Very few have been from myself. Four were from people I've never met.
In other news, Mandie's Halloween party was a blast. Okay, I didn't win the costume contest. Not even a single vote that I'm aware of. But Josh won a prize for his costume as the Hung Guy. Hanged! I mean Hanged Guy. I'll have a couple of pics soon.
My Army physical went well too. I had a little trouble getting there, since it was in DC. FedsHeal probably figured since I was stationed out of Ft. Belvoir, I must live close to it. Guess again! After a thorough...THOROUGH exam, I came out with a clean bill of health. The staff were also very nice, and very female. Being naked and getting examined? No prob!
Don't you love it when you're standing naked in a cold ass room in front of complete strangers? Or is that just me?....