Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I'll Have Something To Shit On Next Year

This cannot go unmentioned.

A couple of years ago, when Bill Jemas was president of Marvel Comics, a book came out called "4/11". It was an anthology collecting different stories about war, politics, and terrorism from different writers and artists. It included different thoughts and perspectives on the subjects with a slant on fixing problems and making the world a better place. However, Jemas left Marvel soon afterwards, and a new president of Marvel was named.

In January, a comic book will come out called "Combat Zone: True Tales from GIs in Iraq." This book was actually waiting publication at Marvel for a while, due to different artists being attached to it but later left the book when it's true nature was revealed.

You see, the book is written by Karl Zinsmeister. He's credited as an "embedded corespondent." He's the editor-in-chief of the American Enterprise Magazine, the in-house magazine of The American Enterprise Institute. The AEI is a neo-conservative think tank. It has strong ties to the oil industry and the White House (See what I'm getting at here?) , and an important architect of President Bush's current foreign policy. Some members include former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, ExxonMobile's CEO Lee Raymond and the Vice-President's wife Lynne Cheney (BITCH). Also, the AEI gave office space to the "Project for a New American Century," an even MORE conservative think tank with Vice President Dick Cheney (DICK...yeah I know) and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz on it's roster. The PNAC and the AEI work closely together.

I'm sure this book will be a completely truthful and touching view of the current situation in Iraq. YEAH RIGHT!

While a number of Marvel's previous titles involving war and terrorism have tried to explore issues from different perspectives, there are reports that this is not the case here. America is the One True Hope and all who disagree with her current thinking are scum. Evil scum that the world is better off without, so it's a good thing we have these brave soldiers to spread the Word.

What, controlling all three branches of the government wasn't enough? Broadcasting propoganda and calling it "news" with the FOX News Network not reaching enough of the population? Now the Man has to breach another medium, which happens to be the one I use to escape reality?

Stay the FUCK out of comics.

(Unless President Bush is stripped naked in the White House lawn by Magneto and forced to lick his boots on national television. It happened folks! Within the pages of Ultimate X-Men #6)

Maybe I could submit a comic idea of my very own, based on my activation last year. I'll call it, "Combat Support Zone: True Tales of Reservists in Virginia." No? Just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. A White-House-backed comic book about Iraq? Wow, I've heard of shit before, but that's the shittiest shit that ever shat. I'm pretty sure I could pull a better idea out of my ass.

