Thursday, November 04, 2004

Technically, I AM keeping my mouth shut...

Something in class today was brought to my attention.

In my sociology class there's this really nice girl. She's cute, she's very friendly, and has a good personality. The recent election was, of course, brought up and most people expressed their disappointment over Bush's victory. This girl mentioned that she voted and supports Bush. Naturally everyone turned on her. One even said that anyone who voted for Bush was STUPID. And I felt bad for her.

Look, we all are entitled to our opinions, and voting for who we want is what helps keeps this country a democracy. But labeling a Bush supporter as STUPID isn't right. It's also very childish, and is the sort of thing that Republicans do.

If you're going to argue, at least make some valid points that are better than namecalling. For instance, you could mention the false pretenses for war and the haphazard way in which it was carried out. Or you could bring up the blows struck against education, health care, and our economy under the current administration. You could also bring up the money from tax cuts going into the pockets of the rich, or you could mention the creepy mixing of church and state that seems to be occuring in order to build the Holy American Empire, if you want to be a little dramatic.

If people choose to support that kind of stuff, it's their opinion and you should try to respect it. You see, using psychological warfare like calling someone STUPID or unpatriotic just because they don't agree with you or the President is the kind of thing an asshole would do. And no one likes an asshole.

A side story: Election day at work, an elderly lady asked me if I voted yet. I said, "yes" and she asked who I voted for. I said I voted for Sen. Kerry. She said, "well, do you support the unnatural joining of two people of the same sex?" with an inquisitive tone.

I said, "I believe homosexuals should have the same rights as everyone else in this country who don't break the law. Isn't that what the United States is all about?"

She said nothing and walked away.

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