Monday, May 16, 2005

Project #5 Video

I found a way to post video for free, so I'm sharing my latest video project with my humble visitors.

Game on

The video can be accessed by clicking here. Enjoy!

Thanks to Mike for linking me the idea, to Drew for being my partner in crime, and thanks to MGS2 for the music.


  1. This is the coolest video without words that I have ever seen!! Patrick is a true genius and I nominate him for an Oscar...playing two roles at once- whew!

  2. agree with Christina..... Patrick u are being awarded with Best Actor....hehehehe

  3. Let's hear it for drew...yeah drew...without drew the movie would hav never been possible...I...i mean HE... was responsible for all the awesome the mustaches..yeah!

  4. Very spiffy :) I especially like those sexy mustaches.

    Now update some more, you're getting worse than me, and I only update once a month or when I'm drunk :)
