Monday, April 04, 2005

SuperPat Returns!

Just because.

Miss me? Didn't think so. Spring break is over and I still have a lot of crap to do. I never did get to improve my action figure, because of more important matters I had to attend to. I didn't get as far along as I wanted to on the other projects I worked on either. Not a very productive spring break, not at all. However I did get to hang with my little brother a lot. I love the little bugger.

Spring break was a combination of work, little bro-time, non-work related work, and maybe a little bit of outage. I was able to hang with people I don't usually hang out with, which was fun. But I didn't get to chill with the friends I usually do, which was disappointing.

The break ended with drill on the weekend. I swear one day I'll be able to keep the goatee or beard or whatever I happen to grow during the month. It was okay. A while back I mentioned how some people don't have the drive to work at drill. This weekend I noticed it again, and it seemed to be based on the squads.

My squad leader doesn't want his squad to sit around and do nothing; he wanted us employed. The entire squad agreed with him and he gave us legit, productive things to do. Another squad leader, Kevin (I've mentioned him before) also kept his squad busy for the same reasons, to be productive and useful. Meanwhile, the other squads were doing barely anything, just sitting around. I could tell immediately that the amount of work done by a squad heavily relies on the squad leader. If the squad leader doesn't want to do anything, or doesn't encourage productivity, the squad will do nothing. An assessment at the end of the work day also displays this. The two squads that worked had something to contribute, while the two that didn't work...well...didn't.

Just an observation, and I thank Sgt. Lloyd and Sgt. Kevin (remember him?) for the good leadership.

Also, to those who noticed, I haven't been online to chat lately. With all the crap I'm up to, I figured what's the point of having my away message up all day. So I just don't sign on. I'm not being antisocial. I swear.

Peace out.

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