Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Swinging My Google

Yess!! Remember my efforts to allow my blog to appear when searched with a search engine? Well tonight I fiddled with Google and found that if you type SuperPatQuest or Super Pat Quest, my blog will appear in the search results!

Sure, it's no asshole painter, but it's better than nothing! I also like the description of my blog that's given on Globe of Blogs:

"The blog of a regular dork in Maryland. Viewer Discretion and Spell Check Advised."

I also added links to other blogs that I read to the right. I'm thinking of adding links to some websites I regularly visit as well.

Things are looking up for this site! Gotta love it.


  1. Muahahaha! I am first on your list! I am the most special person here! Bow down and worship me! Hahahahaha!

    (maybe they were right about laying off the sugar....)

  2. The order of the list was determined by the first blogs to pop out of my head. Also because you update yours regularly.

  3. damn you and your logic! :)

  4. Super Pat Quest is now the FIRST choice on the results using Google when searching for "Super Pat Quest" or "superpatquest," which means it has surpassed "asshole painter" in effecttiveness, but still not pizzaz.
