Monday, January 03, 2005

The Interman by Jeff Parker

I may be a comic book fan, but sometimes I can't help but notice what goes on behind the scenes of the two big companies, Marvel and DC, and feel disgusted. When that happens, I venture outward.

While reading an article about such behind-the-scene nonsense I started getting that feeling. But later in the article I found a picture of John Kerry commanding electricity in order to get comic book readers to vote, and depicted Republicans as an Ork army. I thought, "Whoever made this has the same sense of humor as me." It turned out to be none other than comic book artist Jeff Parker.

They had a link to his blog there, but at the time I didn't know what a blog was. Once I saw it I thought, "I could do something like this!" And signed up on Blogger that same day. And go figure, he wrote and illustrated an original graphic novel, which is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for in the first place. Now Mr. Parker tells me not to blame him for my blog, but you see, I wouldn't have made one if I didn't visit his that day!

Jeff was kind enough to visit this site, so I figured the least I could do to thank him is plug his work.

The Interman by Jeff Parker

The graphic novel Jeff wrote is called The Interman, and is one of the best comic reads I've ever read. I couldn't find it in the bookstore or my comicshop so I ordered it through It's the story of a forgotten military project, a supersoldier, running from the government agencies that made him decades ago and suddenly remembered his existence. He did nothing wrong, but they fear him, so they're after him. I don't want to say any more though, I want you to read it yourself! It's good stuff. Makes The Bourne Identity look like Dr. Seuss...with a shaky camera.

It kinda reminds me of my own graphic novel (a.k.a. that mess in a sketchbook) I did a few years ago. But this is by far, much better.

Thanks for your time, Jeff!

His blog can be found here, and his website can be found at

He also suggested I have more action figures fightin'. I'll try and see that through.

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