Paul doesn't know what's going on.
Second, as promised, here is the gag reel from the previous video. Includes a slow motion replay even.
Third, as more and more things come out about Katrina, the more I get angry. I agree with Sen. Hillary Clinton, an independant commission needs to be conducted as it was with 9/11. I have a feeling Bush's probe won't reveal anything too scathing.
Fourth, I've added a new link to the right to Orioles Hangout, a baseball site Paul works for. I've read a few of his works and it's impressive stuff.

The Guys
Lastly, a neat article about the new Superman movie appeared in Newsweek this week. It has a little bit of spoiler content, but it can be found here, and features a new pic of Brandon Routh in costume.
That is all.
I still don't know what's going on.